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Do you read the T&C's?

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

No – you are not alone. And our customer - a global tech giant providing customer relationship management, e-commerce and shipping services in well over 100 countries, wasn't too keen to spend their precious time doing so either.

So - when selected for an Oracle Licensing Audit their IT team didn’t have the time or inclination, to immerse themselves in Oracle’s complex licensing rules.

Instead, they sought a partner to assist them who had handled this situation many times before, who could demonstrate track record, and provide expert advice to help them through the process as smoothly as possible.

HGK Solutions deployed a small team of experts to work alongside the clients own people. Advising, educating and providing context, and contacts. We helped the client make sense of the small print, focus on the important tasks, and communicate across various Oracle business units to get the basic compliance audit legwork done.

The compliance audit concluded successfully - with both sides acknowledging some degree of responsibility for the errors the audit uncovered. HGK then brokered a commercial resolution to the audit findings that settled the matter to the satisfaction of both client and Oracle.

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